Franconia Ridge

Franconia Ridge

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Eagle Crag

Summit: Eagle Crag (3,030')
Trail route: Baldface Circle Trail, Bicknell Ridge Trail 
Trail conditions: Dry trails, some wet areas, wet ledges to Eagle Crag, dry ledges down Bicknell Ridge 
Weather: Warm, humid, sunny
Total miles: 8
Total time:  4:44

Having hiked all 48 4,000 footers in the month of August I was looking for a hike on this last day of the month. I decided to hike another summit on the 52 With a View list. Most of my remaining hikes on this list require a long drive so Eagle Crag was relatively close.

I always enjoy the drive through Evans Notch and this morning was no exception with beautiful views along the way. There was one vehicle in the parking lot when I arrived. As I was getting ready for my hike there was a hiker just returning from his hike.

I was on the trail just after 7:30 AM. I would be doing this hike counter-clockwise up the Baldface Circle Trail and down the Bicknell Ridge Trail. I took the short side trip to Emerald Pool having never been there before. I could see this would be a beautiful spot on a hot day with a deep pool of water and some ledges to jump from.

It was a nice, gradual climb until just before the summit. It was this last stretch that was a little tricky with steep ledges and wet, slippery moss. It required careful foot placement and some handholds to safely get up these slick slabs of granite.

Up on the summit of Eagle Crag I was rewarded with spectacular views all around. A warm temperature, lots of sunshine and a cool breeze encouraged some lingering and basking. After some photos and a snack I continued on the Baldface Circle Trail.

I arrived at the Bicknell Ridge Trail and started my descent. There was lots of ledge scrambling as I went down. The lower part of the trail was very nice with little to no rocks or roots. I completed the loop when I arrived back at the Baldface Circle Trail and then continued out to the trailhead.

There were many vehicles in the parking lot so I'm thinking most of the hikers did the Baldfaces in a clockwise route or some may have done Eastman Mountain and that's why I only saw two hikers during my hike today. 

It was a great day for this hike and nice to complete another summit on my 52 With a View list. I'm now looking forward to hiking in September and hoping there is some favorable weather to complete my four 48 4,000 footer hikes needed to grid out the month of September.

Enjoy the photos and video!

View from Evans Notch on the drive to the trailhead

The hike starts here

Emerald Pool

Easy water crossing

Sunshine on the Charles Brook

Trail crosses an old logging road

Orange jelly

Coral fungus

Hobblebush leaves changing color

Leaf wrapped around a mushroom

The trail gets interesting from here with steep wet mossy ledges

A view of the Baldfaces

West view

North view

Southeast view

Bicknell Ridge below

Zooming in far below

Reindeer lichen

Looking up at North Baldface

Signpost with no sign

A look back at Eagle Crag

Descending Bicknell Ridge

Ledge scrambling

More ledge scrambling

Unusual mushroom

Gnarly mushroom

Hericium abietis or bear's head

Brook crossing

More coral fungi

Mini-Me mushroom

Back at the trailhead parking lot

View From Eagle Crag

Having Fun in the Great Outdoors!

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