Franconia Ridge

Franconia Ridge

Friday, November 6, 2020

Zealand and The Bonds in November

Summits:  Zealand (4,260'), Guyot (4,580'), West Bond (4,540'), Mount Bond (4,698'), Bondcliff (4,265') 
Trail route:  Zealand Trail, Twinway, Zeacliff Spur, Zealand Spur, Bondcliff Trail, West Bond Spur, Lincoln Woods Trail 
Trail conditions: Variety, lots o' slush, snow, wet, mud and dry conditions
Weather: Started cool and cloudy with light precipitation to warm, sunshine and some wind in exposed areas
Total miles: 19.6
Total time:  11:32

I would be joining Jill, Scott, Lisa, Jim and Marty for a very long hike that would take us across five summits, four which count for the 48 4,000 footers list. The following is a timeline of our hike on this epic traverse.

5:00AM  - I arrived at the Zealand trailhead. The Zealand Road gate was still open so there would be no 3.5 mile road walk today. 
5:40AM  - The hike starts in the dark with headlamps at the Zealand trailhead and light precipitation falling.
6:56AM  - We arrive at Zealand Hut and take a short break. Usually open year round is now closed due to the COVID 19 virus.
7:58AM  - Took the spur path out to Zeacliff and enjoyed the views.
9:13AM  - After hiking over slippery bog bridges and through lots of slush we arrive at the summit of Zealand Mountain. 
10:11AM - More hiking through slush and we come up onto the summit of Mount Guyout.
10:48AM - On the Bondcliff Trail the microspikes went on to help cope with the slippery slush. 
11:10AM - After dropping our packs at the trail junction we arrived at the summit of West Bond.
12:00PM - We slogged through more slush on our way up to the summit of Mount Bond.
12:30PM - Continued our hike to Bondcliff, the final summit of the day.
1:06PM  - On the summit of Bondcliff and we took a well deserved break before the 9 miles out to Lincoln Woods.
1:30PM  - Started our descent from Bondcliff.
4:18PM  - Arrived at the dreaded Lincoln Woods Trail for the monotonous final 2.9 miles. 
5:12PM  - Crossed the suspension bridge over the East Branch of the Pemigewasset River in the dark with headlamps and walked up into the Lincoln Woods parking lot to end the hike after almost 20 miles in 11 hours, 32 minutes.

This hike is a wilderness adventure and today was no exception. While we had to slog through several miles of slush and snow it was tolerable and the weather was outstanding. It's always nice to share this hike with a group of awesome friends. I'll need to do this hike in December and although the road gate will be closed by then, thereby adding 3.5 miles, I'm hoping for good trail conditions, pleasant weather and sharing the hike with friends again!

Enjoy the photos and video!

Starting with headlamps in the dark and light precipitation falling

Scott on the boardwalk

Ponds starting to ice over

Zealand Pond

Zealand Falls

A quick stop at the closed Zealand Hut before continuing on

View from the hut

Whitewall Brook

Water crossing

Ice on the trail

Jim at Zeacliff

View from Zeacliff

Presidential summits in the distance

Mount Washington

Zooming in on the summit of Mount Washington

Lisa on sinking bog bridges

Ascending a steep section of trail

Start of the slush slog

On the summit of Zealand Mountain

A visit from a gray jay

Heading down from Zealand

Moose prints on the trail

Ascending Mount Guyot

On the summit of Mount Guyot

Descending Mount Guyot

On the Bondcliff Trail

Heading to West Bond

Next summit West Bond to the right then Mount Bond to the left

Bondcliff from West Bond

On the summit of West Bond

A view of Franconia Ridge in the distance

Mount Garfield

Spruce grouse beside the trail

Gray jay greets us on Mount Bond

On the summit of Mount Bond

On our way to Bondcliff

Bondcliff up ahead under full sunshine

A look back at Mount Bond

Descending Mount Bond


Scott and Lisa on Bondcliff

Getting the Bondcliff shot

Leaving Bondcliff summit for the 9.1 mile hike out to Lincoln Woods

A long drop beside the trail

Descending Bondcliff

Climbing down the Hillary Step

Dry water crossing

Wet water crossing

Wet trail

Easy water crossing

Crossing Franconia Brook and the final 2.6 miles to Lincoln Woods parking area

Finishing the hike in the dark with headlamps

Having Fun in the Great Outdoors!

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