Franconia Ridge

Franconia Ridge

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Finally A Hike

Summits: Mount Starr King (3,907')
Trail route: Starr King Trail
Trail conditions: Wet and muddy down low, dry at higher elevations
Weather: Warm and sunny
Total miles: 5.2 RT
Total time: 5:09

Today was my first hike since January 1st 2024, almost 7 months ago. I had a Winter and Spring of illness and recovery. I now feel well enough to start hiking again. Along with some friends I felt it was time to get up to a summit. I joined Mark, Jill, Robin, Jim, Lisa and Scott for a hike to Mounts Starr King and Waumbek.

I approached this hike with some trepidation and not sure if I would be able to hike to these summits but was willing to give it a try. It was a beautiful morning and after we all found a parking spot near the trailhead we started our hike up to Starr King. The pace was slow and steady, I appreciated that!

It was a nice hike up to Starr King. Four of us decided to wait at this summit while Jim, Lisa and Scott continued on to Waumbek. The four of us lingered and basked on Starr King while we waited for the other three to return from Waumbek. Upon their return from Mount Waumbek we started our descent. It was a pleasant and quick descent to the trailhead.

Today's hike was a real confidence booster for me. I now feel comfortable getting out on the trail and hiking to mountain summits again!

Indian Pipe

Heading up to the summit of Starr King

Group photo on Starr King

View of the Presidential summits

Starr King summit fireplace

Lots of mud and water on the lower section of the trail

Back at the trailhead after 5.2 miles

Spent the weekend at the Barnes Field Campground with this awesome group of friends

Having Fun in the Great Outdoors!