Franconia Ridge

Franconia Ridge

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Last Day of Spring on Mount Isolation

Summit: Mount Isolation (4,003')
Trail route: Rocky Branch Trail, Isolation Trail, Davis Path, Mt Isolation spur
Trail conditions: A mix of mostly dry trail with lots of wet and muddy sections
Weather: Warm with a cool breeze, sunny sky and fair weather clouds
Total miles: 14
Total time:  8:25

Although June 20th is considered the first day of summer this year the solstice actually starts at 11:32 PM so today's hike would actually take place in the last hours of Spring. The weather forecast was calling for a very warm day. I would be joining Scott and Lisa for an early morning start.

We were on the trail at 5:00 AM. It was a cool start that quickly warmed up. Upon reaching the height of land there was a nice cool breeze blowing through the trees that kept the sweat and bugs down. It was along this section of trail that Lisa saw a moose up ahead. I looked just in time to see a large moose on the trail that quickly moved off after seeing us. Was not able to get a photo in time.

We made several water crossings on the Rocky Branch. Low water levels made it easy. We took a small shortcut through the tent site from Isolation Trail over to the Davis Path. There were about a dozen backpacks at the tent site so we knew there were hikers up ahead. We met that group on their way back from the summit. 

A last steep push to the summit and we were greeted by a very cool breeze. We had the summit to ourselves. The higher summits were covered in clouds but there were good views from Isolation. We stopped long enough for photos and something to eat. We then started the long hike back to the trailhead.

We were surprised to only meet a few hikers on the trail today. Not sure what the reason was since this is a very popular hike especially on a weekend. But we didn't have a problem with that. The other surprise was the weather. While a very warm day was in the forecast it really only started to heat up in the last couple of miles and it wasn't that bad. 

That was my 10th visit to Mount Isolation. I was sure glad to have Scott and Lisa along for company, always makes a long hike more enjoyable. I now have one more hike to grid out June meaning I will have hiked to all 48 4,000 footers in this month. The one remaining summit is the long hike to Owl's Head. So hoping for another day of good weather to get that one done!

Enjoy the photos and video!

The hike starts here at 5:00 AM

Passing into the wilderness

The Engine Hill bushwhack starts here but not for us today

Lady slippers still blooming

Rock-hopped for miles on this kind of trail

The first of many water crossings

Rocky Branch

Lots of water crossings on this hike

Another water crossing

...and another water crossing

Blue bead lily

Blue bead lily and bunchberry

Final push to the summit

Labrador tea

Clouds cover the higher summits

View to the west

View to the east

Southeast view

Starting our 7 mile hike back to the trailhead

A look back up to Mount Isolation

Repeating the water crossings on the way back

Small cascade on moss covered rocks

Lisa taking the route of least resistance on this water crossing

Low water helped to keep our feet dry

Back at the trailhead after our 14 mile hike

Having Fun in the Great Outdoors!

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